I Tried Cheesy Ranch Ramen and Survived

I tried to make it pretty. Don't judge.
I tried to make it pretty. Don’t judge.

There are dozens upon dozens of videos, articles, and “listicles” telling college students the numerous dishes that they can make with a block of Top Ramen noodles. While I will admit that it does get boring eating the same bowl of chicken-flavored ramen all of the time, there will never be a day where I make a ramen noodle burger.  Pay me to do it and I might consider it, but otherwise don’t expect to see a ramen burger post.

One ramen recipe I was willing to try was Cheesy Ranch Ramen. Just from a Google search, I kept seeing mixed reviews. Some people loved it while some deemed it disgusting. Ramen noodle block and bottle of ranch dressing in hand, I came up with this:

cheesy ranch ramen4

Cheesy Ranch Ramen (with sad toast on the side)
Makes 1 serving

1 package any flavor ramen noodles (you won’t need the seasoning packet)
1/2 cup ranch dressing
a handful of shredded cheese (I used Monterrey-Jack because it was the only cheese I had in stock. Cheddar is probably your best bet.)
seasonings I added myself: cayenne pepper, celery flakes, parsley flakes

1. Cook ramen noodles according to package directions, then drain. Turn the heat down to low for your pot.

2. Return noodles to pot, and stir in ranch dressing. Then add cheese, and stir until melted.

3. Add any additional seasonings and eat.

Verdict: It’s a weird combination, but it kind of works. The tangy-ness of the ranch goes well with the cheese. Is this something I would eat everyday? No, probably not. It’s still good, though.

Happy Eating!

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